This is true, the best way to lose belly fat is through diet and exercise. Now, do not jump to conclusions as to diet, I do not mean you have to do a diet that will rob your body of essential nutrients.
When you do, your body will feel and will start to deposit more fat. You have to make a healthy diet that will provide all the necessary nutrients to your body.

The best way to lose belly fat is to cut through the junk food, alcohol and caffeine. You will be surprised to find that alcohol contains impressive number of calories and can actually slow your progress. Regarding the common misconception that you have to totally give up carbs or fat, you need to clarify something here. There are good carbs and good fats, which are fully recommended to be eaten.
Take your carbohydrates from whole grains and oats, for example, fish and fats and make friends with all kinds of fruits and vegetables. You need not delete anything from your diet, just pay attention to get them from good sources and combine them with wisdom. Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water to keep your body clean of toxins and that you are getting enough sleep, because humans tend to eat more to combat fatigue. It was also proved that a high stress level can increase to store fat in our body tries to protect itself.
Also adopt an effective workout routine and stick to it. Your goal has to be a decrease in total body fat, because fat loss of just one body part is not an achievable goal. You can also include in your exercise routine to target the abdominal area. Following all the above tips will help you discover that the best way to lose belly fat is through proper diet and exercise.